Can you see the direction here? Today's open was 907.50 just 1 tick below yesterday's close. We filled the gap almost instantly and begun our day. I'm really not sure what kind of day it was, we never really seemed to go anywhere. Just up then down, then back up and back down. Not to say there were no trades to be had, it was just more like sitting in the boat while fishing. Bobbing on the waves waiting for a good catch and before you knew it, the day was done.
Closing came to us at 906.50, only 1 point away from our open after seeing a range of 11.5 points today. Our low today was 903.50 shortly after open and we bobbed our way to our high of 915.00 shortly before 3:00. 902.50 will be our point of control tomorrow. Let us see if we get the volume we need for a breakdown, or find ourselves stuck in consolidation. Until next time....
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