

Friday, April 11, 2008

Grains and Food around the world

Thailand and India (the number 1 and 2 rice exporters in the world) have banned most rice exports

China and Vietnam have implemented food export controls

Rice prices have soared by up to 70% in world markets

Philippines must now import rice to feed its growing population

The Wall Street Journal recently reported the worst case of food inflation in the US in 17 years

There have been food riots in Mexico City, food strikes in Italy, and violent protests in many areas of Africa, South America, and Haiti

UN representatives are encouraging the EU to relax their opposition to genetically modified foods

Millions of people in the emerging middle class of China and other Asian nations are demanding more meat in their diets, as they associate meat-eating with prosperity

Grains are experiencing record demand for use as animal feedstock

In the United States this year, nearly a third of the corn output will be used to make an estimated 9.3 billion gallons of ethanol (a lower priced oil alternative)

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